Friday, January 7, 2011

My name is Sawsan and I want to tell you more about the Bedouin tent in the past. For a long time the Bedouin live in a tent. They made them from the hair of the goats especially the black ones. It is too much big because it has two parts; one for men and one for women and it is called the mahram. The tent is cold in summer and hot in winter. Nowadays the Bedouin live in stone houses.

One of the best and nicest habits of the Bedouin people is hospitality. When someone comes for a visit, they do anything for him. Hey give him coffee, good food and usually meat. They don't ask the visitor about anything for three days.
My name is Nada and this picture is for my grandfather in a windy day.


  1. hey this is Anna and Avery.
    We live in houses or apartments made of wood, brick, or cement. We have lots of food to give to our visitors and are very polite. People in America have not really lived in tents but it would be cool to.

  2. Hi this is Nada. Nowadays we don't live in tents becuase we have house made of cement. But we use tents in big occasions where there are lots of people invited.

  3. Hi Mollie How are you?
    We are Rowyda, Sawsan and Fatima .Our life has changed and we live in houses made of cement . The life for the Bedouin developed and their lives become easier
