Friday, January 7, 2011

My name is Adam. Cats are small cute animals. My cat eats meat and bread and drinks water and milk. I love my cat and she sleeps near me. I have also a horse. He is an original Arab horse. His name is Al'ekab. His color is black and he is very fast.  I love my horse a lot. I ride him a lot and go to far places.
My name is Basel and this picture is for my cat. I wanted to help my friend Adam because he couldn't bring a picure of his cat. But, my cat is similar to his cat.


  1. HI, this is Hannah and Mollie.
    Hannah has cats too and everyone thinks they are really cute. We also have other pets like Mollies Guinea Pig. Shes adorable too.

  2. Hi Adam I'm Ari, your penpal:just like you, I have a cat named Lizzy who sleeps on my head every night. I also have a bunny who is very mean. He bights everyone!

  3. hi Basel this is your penpal Gabriel: Me and Ari are friends like you and Adam. Ari is Adams penpal.
    I think that cats are really cute. but i am sadly allergic to them. my cousins have two, one of them is really fat.

  4. Hi Hannah!
    We are Rana and Sabha your penpal.
    we want to tell you some information about the pigs in the Islamic religion.the pigs forbidden in the Islamic religion.
    and the bedouins are muslime.I see the pigs only in the TV.
