Monday, February 28, 2011

Identity and Portrait for Sawsan, Rowayda and Fatma

We are from a small country, nice area without too much noise  
Just the singing of birds in the calm morning
And from the color of the sand,
You know who we are, hand by hand.

Iam from many kind of food
Meat and magloba besides lots of fruit.
 Smelling the Bedouin coffee aroma
 And  my grandmother's handmade  bread.

I am from "know your self"
"Be your self"
"Trust your self"
"Love your self"
This is all what our mums always tell us

I am from good friend and  good books with the holly Koran.
Laugh all the time with some tears
 Below my eyes when there are some fears
 But this is what we consider an ideal life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is Mollie, your penpal. I really love your poem,especially the slight rhyming at the end. I like the part about the Bedouin coffee and your grandmother's bread, too. I like the smell of American coffee, too, and I love coffee ice cream, too.
