Monday, February 28, 2011

Identity and Portrait for Rana and Sabha

We are from the muddy streets in winter
And the hot desert in summer.
Our houses are next to the school
We need no car, no bicycle and no horse
And this is really very cool.

We are from a land of ice cream
Vanilla, chocolate always in our dream.
Fattah, labna and zaatar with olive oil
Our breakfast every day for all

We are from "be excellent in your tests"
"Be good girls" and mostly "Be the best".
That’s all what our mothers always says.

We are from a place where all are friends
Every day we are with each other
With Nada, Islam and Rana
Sawsan, Fatima and Rasha
Rowyda, Basmah and Abtesam
Nahalh and Ansam
Iman Sabha and Reem
Ashgan Sbreen and Tasneem.


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