Monday, February 28, 2011

We are from a beautiful neighborhood
Where we grew all our childhood
The air is gentle and fresh
The land is wide with lots of grass
That’s a lovely life style we would say.

We are from pizza and hamburger
Keba makloba and mansaf
Are what we cook with our mums.

We are from 'love one another '
"Read story" and ,"Say the truth"
These are all what we hear.

We are from Suzan, Samera and Hanan
We are brothers and sisters
'Ayman,Amen Ahmad Amal'
'Rahma, Aya,Adel ,Hatem ' and  us.

Identity and Portrait for Rana and Sabha

We are from the muddy streets in winter
And the hot desert in summer.
Our houses are next to the school
We need no car, no bicycle and no horse
And this is really very cool.

We are from a land of ice cream
Vanilla, chocolate always in our dream.
Fattah, labna and zaatar with olive oil
Our breakfast every day for all

We are from "be excellent in your tests"
"Be good girls" and mostly "Be the best".
That’s all what our mothers always says.

We are from a place where all are friends
Every day we are with each other
With Nada, Islam and Rana
Sawsan, Fatima and Rasha
Rowyda, Basmah and Abtesam
Nahalh and Ansam
Iman Sabha and Reem
Ashgan Sbreen and Tasneem.


Identity and Portrait for Sawsan, Rowayda and Fatma

We are from a small country, nice area without too much noise  
Just the singing of birds in the calm morning
And from the color of the sand,
You know who we are, hand by hand.

Iam from many kind of food
Meat and magloba besides lots of fruit.
 Smelling the Bedouin coffee aroma
 And  my grandmother's handmade  bread.

I am from "know your self"
"Be your self"
"Trust your self"
"Love your self"
This is all what our mums always tell us

I am from good friend and  good books with the holly Koran.
Laugh all the time with some tears
 Below my eyes when there are some fears
 But this is what we consider an ideal life.

Friday, February 18, 2011

                                                                                                       This is Rana again and I want to describe my English room ELC "English Language center. There are only ten rooms like this in Israel and it is the only one in the Bedouin sector and Arab sector in Israel. We always go to the ELC in the English lesson. We always book the room and we like it there. In the room there are ten computers, a smart board, two libraries; one for the teachers who have books about teaching and one for the pupils who have many books, stories and encyclopedias. I love the room very much and I love the chairs in particular because they are movable and we can move them in the room without any noise. The tables are also movable.

My name ia Rana and I want to describe my school. First, the teachrers cooperate with the pupils. They help them in their homework and encourage them. For example,my teacher helps me with other subject. Also, my teachers teach well. They will not take care of the moeny. They take care of good teaching. Second, students wear uniform and they are excellent. They do not do any problems because all of them are friends. Finally, I like my school because it is clean, big and very beautiful. There are lots of trees and two playgrounds. I like my school because it has deaf and mute students. My class help the deaf-mute students and we are their friends.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

We celebrated the end of the first semester in December. We usually have a party at the end of each semester. We buy  a cake, soft drinks, and many other party stuff. After finishing the party, we take the certifications. This semseter we have very good marks and many studnets got 100 in English. The highest mark in the class is 98.6.  The competition in the class is very high and all want to have good marks. We alwyas invite our teachers to be in our class party. The atmosphere is friendly and very good .

My name is Do'a and i want to write about the donkey. The donkey lives in the farm near the house. In the past, there is no transportation and because of this people use the donkey. The donkey eats grass, barley and hay. Children ride the donkey for fun. Some people still use the donkey especially if they live in the unrecognized villages where they don't have buses. So, they ride their donkey to go the close village to buy things if they don't have a car.