Friday, December 24, 2010

Mansaf is a traditional Bedouin dish that is served in special occasions. When there are guests or when there is party or a wedding or death, mansaf is the main and meal. It contains stewed lamb with sauce that is made from dried yogurt. The lamb meat is put on rice and Bedouin bread "shrak" that is specially prepared over an open fire. Sometimes, the mansaf is made from chicken, but it is usually for the family and not for the guests. And  it is also used with Bedouin bread only. On the top of the meat or the chicken mansaf, pine nuts are spread and some cooked vegetables. This dish is commonly eaten by hands.


  1. Hi Sam,
    My name is Ayyub and I am happy to have you my penpal. I have a small car and bicycle. I go to school everyday by bus. I sometimes go to school on my bicycle depending on the weather.

  2. HI SAM
    We are MOAATH, AYYUB and NAJEH. We are 14 years old. we are friends. every day we play football and other games. Sometimes we ride the horses and play. We are going to a race where the horses are very fast.
    Write to us about your daily life and who your friends are.
