Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My name is Rana and this is about the party at the end of the second semester. In the end of this semester there was a party too. But it was different from the first party.
In this party we didn’t buy cake but we bought chips and cola… all the teachers and the principal were very happy from our class because there were good grades in this semester.
There were ten pupils who had excellent grades above 90 and there were six pupils in the 80s.
The average of our class was 75%. Because of  this, the teachers were  happy. We are the best class in the school.


  1. congratulations on the excellent grades!

  2. Are from the Credible there are 10 pupils had grades above 90??!! its Impossible!!
    sorry about my words but its the truth!!
    im not from anyschool from your school.
    but im a .......'s friend..
