Sunday, February 6, 2011

We celebrated the end of the first semester in December. We usually have a party at the end of each semester. We buy  a cake, soft drinks, and many other party stuff. After finishing the party, we take the certifications. This semseter we have very good marks and many studnets got 100 in English. The highest mark in the class is 98.6.  The competition in the class is very high and all want to have good marks. We alwyas invite our teachers to be in our class party. The atmosphere is friendly and very good .


  1. Hey this is Anna and Avery
    your classroom is very much like classrooms in America. we are competitive and celebrate the end of a marking period. That cake looked good!

  2. Hi, this is Hannah and Mollie !
    We don't get to celebrate the end of a semester, but that looked fun! We get letter grades at the end of a semester, and only get points out of a hundred on tests and things like that. The way we get graded, A is the best and F is the worst, and horrible. We hope you do as good in the next semester as you did this time, if not better.

  3. Hi Ana
    we are Tasnem,Aiman,and Rasha.
    we want to thank you very much for your writing to us. We celebrate in the end of every semester. We are very happy in the end of the semester. It's very fantastic for the student. We say good bye for his teachers at the end of the semester.
    How do you celebrate the end of the school year?

  4. Hi Avery
    Tis is Islam Nada and Reem
    we want to thank you because you wrote for us a massage. The tent you saw in the picture is for our grandfathers in the past. But now we live in houses from "blocks and cement"
    Goodbye Avery and waiting for your messege

  5. Hello! This is Gabby, the teacher-- what does the writing on the cake say? We haven't made plans for celebrating the end of our semester, which is in May. Do you have any ideas for us?

  6. Hi, What you see on the cake is "Happy Vacation" in Arabic
