Sunday, June 26, 2011

The End

our last party inthe 9th grade. we enjoyed every moment we spent in the same class for three years. Now we are moving to High school with new studnents and new teachers.
wish you all success

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My name is Rana and this is about the party at the end of the second semester. In the end of this semester there was a party too. But it was different from the first party.
In this party we didn’t buy cake but we bought chips and cola… all the teachers and the principal were very happy from our class because there were good grades in this semester.
There were ten pupils who had excellent grades above 90 and there were six pupils in the 80s.
The average of our class was 75%. Because of  this, the teachers were  happy. We are the best class in the school.
My name is Rana.I want to write about "Student's Day"  and the Football games at my school
Student day means that pupils become teachers at the school, they teach the other pupils. My friend Basmah and I were  teachers in the same class. We taught chemistry and biology.
When Basmah and I were teaching in our class the pupils were very good but in the other classes there were a noise.
 All in all, the day was very good and beautiful. In the end of the day there was a big celebration and there were a lot of parts in this celebration like: songs, competitions general information…
The ninth class took the cup because they won in a football game and they were the best team in the school.

Monday, April 25, 2011

My name is Trad and this is my family house. It is very beautiful. My family built the house four years ago. It costs a lot of money. There a big garden with lots of trees. My father planted lots kinds of trees such as apple , orange, figs and olive trees

Hi Mollie,
we are Sawsan, Rowyda and   Fatima .Many years ago the means of transport are limited to animals such as: horses, donkeys and camels. The Bedouins in the desert were moving them always with fatigue also at the same time takes a long to get to your destination. After some years, Bedouin start to use the modern transport which it: cars such as: Honda, Mercedes.   
My name is Trad. This is my brother's car. He has a white Mutsubishi Lanser. It is very expensive; not less than 40,000 shekel. This means that it costs about 10,000$. He bought it two years ago.
On March 3rd,  we went to Akko   and Haifa this trip    was very great .  Akko  and   Haifa  are  very  beautiful cities.  We visited the Bahaui garden in Haifa. This  garden is  very  famous  because  it  is  full  of  trees  and    flowers.  Akko  is  located on the Mediterranean sea and it is famous  for  fish.   I was amazed because  I  saw  many  colors.   We  went  to  the market  in  Akko  and  saw  the  snakes.  The  students  in  my  class  took   pictures   with  snakes  and they  were  very  happy. I didn’t take pictures with the snake because I was afraid to touch the huge snake.   
hi Ari I am Omar your penpal
look at the picture it's me with the snake. It's very dangerous but the snake was friendly and I liked it.
My class and I went on a a beautiful trip to Haifa and Acco. We visited Bahai Garden where there are lots of beautiful flowers, trees and many symmetrical views. After leaving Hiafa, we went to Acco market where we bought lots of things like toys, and then we went to the beach where we took pictures with a huge snake.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Identity and Portrait for Basel, Mohamed and Ayyub

 I am from the ebautiful villages with clean streets
Where there are lots of good people and many mosques.

I am from the mansaf of chicken
The most delicious mean I like.

I am from "go to learn even if it is in China"
I am from the nicest and best friends.

Identity and Portrait for Islam, Reem and Nada

W e are from the life under the hot aun
where the rain didn't come
where the camels live around
where no water, no grass on the ground.
With deadly quietness. We feel bored.

We are from pizza with mothers
Chocolate with fathers
And ice cream with brothers.

We are from"Stop the noise" and do your homework."
Two things parents keep telling us.

We are from nice friends
Who are the ebst for ever.